Prevention is better than cure . Everybody is well aware of this fact. Amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, each of us is trying to follow all the necessary measures to protect ourselves, such as washing hands, wearing masks, and social distancing. One more way to protect ourselves against COVID-19 is to boost our immunity.  We already have an immune system that fights against all diseases. But due to the change in lifestyle and westernization, our immune system has become weak. To boost our immunity, let’s introduce Ayurveda into our lives.

As the word suggests, Ayurveda is the science of life and one of the oldest healing systems. It about 5000 years old. Ancient India used Ayurvedic knowledge for the treatment of various diseases. We can find Ayurveda all around us. Using Tulsi in tea or using giloy for suppressing a fever. We use Ayurveda into our lives unknowingly. Ayurveda deals with total wellness of mind, body, and soul

Ayurveda helps you follow a healthy and happy lifestyle. It deals with treating diseases by practicing meditation, yoga, lifestyle changes, diet changes, and the use of herbal medicines. One can boost their immunity just by following a few simple methods as follows.

Take few neem leaves, grind them, and then swallow them on an empty stomach. Neem is anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral. It will boost immunity and protect against various diseases.
Take a small amount of Phyllanthus Niruri leaves. Commonly it is called a stone breaker. Grind the leaves and
swallow them empty stomach in the morning. It boosts immunity, destroys any kidney stone or gall bladder
stones. It fights hepatitis B and also makes our liver healthy.
Take peeled ginger, crush it, and have it before your meal. Ginger boosts metabolism and immunity. It is antiinflammatory and antioxidant.
Ensure that you have one Amla or gooseberry on an empty stomach every day. It is rich in vitamin C and beta
carotene. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it acts as an immunity booster.
In order to improve memory power, strength, and immunity, you should have Brahmi and giloy juice. Either take
it in capsule form or make it at home naturally.
Morning walk not only leaves you fresh all day but also makes your immune system strong. Another best
way is to exercise for about 45 to 60 minutes daily. It prevents you from heart disease. During exercise, our body
releases hormone endorphins, which makes you feel positive.
Doing meditation and yoga helps to relieve stress. If you can spend some time for meditation. Then I must
suggest you should do it. It relaxes the body and mind. You will have stronger immunity if you are fully relaxed
and free of stress.
A good night’s sleep is very necessary if you want to improve immunity. Sleep even helps to boost T -cells,
which are immune cells. Sleeping for about 6 to 8 hours is considered health and beauty sleep. Try chamomile
tea or almond milk to soothe your nerves and enjoy a good night’s sleep.
As you can see, we can not only boost our immunity by following ayurvedic tips but also improve our health.
Ayurveda provides a healthy alternative to all other artificial immunity booster products. I am very
much optimistic about this ancient system because it holds in itself a better future for us and the coming

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